Stay In Bed Day - A New Vespertine Tradition

This year at Vespertine we decided to approach Black Friday in a new way. The frenzy of the holiday season can be a lot to process and so we decided to remain closed after Thanksgiving to save space for relaxation, self care, and reconnection. We want to reserve Stay In Bed Day as a day to take care, set intentions, and maybe try something new. So rather than navigating crowds and standing in lines, we invite you to sleep in and take a personal day with us.
5 ideas for Staying In Bed Day:
1. Get some rest and recuperation. Burning a candle on both ends can burn you out. Slowing down is great for mental health.
2. Realign your goals. It’s important to step back every so often to consider where you are, where you want to be, and how you plan to get there.
3. Look for inspiration. If you’re feeling bored, uninspired, or stagnant, take the day to be curious and maybe discover something new.
4. Prioritize self-care. Take a long, luxurious bath. Wear your favorite underwear. Eat healthy snacks. Read a book. Get (or give) a massage.
5. Shop in the nude. Vespertine is offering 25% off all online orders on Stay In Bed Day. No bras, no make-up, no judgement.
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