News / Beauty & Wellness

  • Better Sex as You Age

    Better Sex as You Age
    As you get older there can be physical challenges and health complications that make it more difficult to perform at your best and feel satisfied during sex. While these factors may change your sex life, they don’t have to keep you from feeling fulfilled. There are a few adjustments you can make to your sex routine in order to maintain pleasurable intimacy as you age.
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  • The Betty Dodson Method for Self-Love and Independent Orgasm

    The Betty Dodson Method for Self-Love and Independent Orgasm

    You may have heard of Betty Dodson if you’re familiar with the Netflix series, The Goop Lab.  In Episode 3: ‘The Pleasure is Ours’, Dodson and her partner, Carlin Ross, are featured. Dodson, who passed in 2020, was an artist, author, PhD sexologist and one of the leading voices for women’s sexual pleasure and health. 

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  • Stay In Bed Day - A New Vespertine Tradition

    Stay In Bed Day - A New Vespertine Tradition
    This year at Vespertine we decided to approach Black Friday in a new way. The frenzy of the holiday season can be a lot to process and so we decided to remain closed after Thanksgiving to save space for relaxation, self care, and reconnection. We want to reserve Stay In Bed Day as a day to take care, set intentions, and maybe try something new. So rather than navigating crowds and standing in lines, we invite you to sleep in and take a personal day with us.
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